We at Delhi Messenger are big fans of old, endearing cinema. Chashme Buddoor (1981) is near the top of our list. Realistic, clean, funny, sensitive, Chashme Buddoor is all this and more! I have watched it uncountable times already, and it still never gets old.
The plot of Chashme Buddoor
The film is a romantic comedy. But what makes this rom-com stand out is that it has four main characters, instead of just the ‘hero’ and ‘heroine’. And each character will their mark.
Siddharth Parashar (Farooq Sheikh), Omi (Rakesh Bedi), and Jai Lakhanpal (Ravi Vaswani) are roomates who are always bickering over something or the other. Enter Neha Rajan (Deepti Naval). Both Omi and Jai pursue her. Omi and Jai claim to have been successful in their romantic endeavours. But Neha actually falls in love with Siddharth.

The real fun begins when the friend-zoned roommates try sabotaging the relationship between Siddharth and Neha. They come up with very elaborate plans, and that is what the story really consists of.
Doesn’t sound like much, right?
All About the Screenplay and Timing
Well, the screenplay is as much a hero in this film as the rest of them. Hilarious situations and dialogues, delivered with perfect comic timing make this film a delight to watch.
Chashme Buddoor is all about the little moments. These little moments make this film so relatable for the viewer. We all have experienced such instances. Crazy and annoying roommates, pursuing romantic interests, getting rejected by the girl whom everyone wants….we all must have encountered such characters or situations in our lives as well.
Ace Direction
The movie is a show case of Sai Paranjpye’s creativity. The opening shot will give you an insight into what’s to come. The movie begins with credits on photographs of leaders like Mahatma Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehru. It morphs into the second shot, the wall of the room that the three frenemies share covered with photos of semi-nude girls.
Sai brings her female sensitivity and sweetness to all the characters in the movie. Unfortunately, not many followed this masterpiece.
Read more review here.