As I wait for the show to begin at the indoor auditorium of Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium in Delhi, I am drawn to the words appearing on the black proscenium arch. The Annihilation of Caste, Who Were the Shudras, The Budhha and His Dharma. After a few minutes, I realise that these are the titles of books written by Dr. BR Ambedkar, fondly remembered as Babasaheb. It takes me a few more moments to realise that these words are in his handwriting! Now THAT is something you don’t see every day. Babasaheb – The Grand Musical is just about to commence on this massive stage.
The auditorium is almost packed as the COVID norms have just been eased. There is a vibrant energy in the auditorium as we all wait for the spectacle to begin. And what a spectacle it is indeed!
The music
First, a big shout-out to the soundtrack composed by Delhi-based rock band Indian Ocean. Each of the songs is unique and oh-so-catchy. To be honest, it is not exactly what I was expecting. But it was definitely a fresh take on the soundtracks generally used for musical productions in India. A number of vocalists have also contributed playback. Overall, a big thumbs up to the music.
Then comes the background score. Another job well done, I can safely say! A great mix of traditional and modern with just the right notes at the right times.
The story
Do two hours for a musical seem a bit much? Trust me, you won’t even know how time flies as you get engrossed in the spectacle of the performances. There is not a dull moment when you feel that the show is dragging on its feet. If anything, I would say it is pretty amazing that the life, teachings, and ideologies of Babasaheb have been captured so well in this short span of time! I will not dive into the details here and just avoid spoilers altogether. But I will tell you that we see the struggles that Babasaheb faced since childhood on account of being from the Mahar caste, considered to be untouchable by upper-caste Hindus. Getting educated, finding a job, finding a place to stay, and spreading his message in the correct manner — all of these proved to be obstacles in the life of this great statesman.
I went into the show knowing very little about his life. As I discovered more and more details over the course of the show, I just had one gnawing question at the back of my mind. Despite so many setbacks, and so many challenges, how did this man leave such a huge mark in the making of independent India? How did he manage to study and write so much? How did he become the father of the Indian constitution, as we know him today?
The show explores all this and more, including his differences with Jawaharlal Nehru and Mahatma Gandhi as well as the influence he wielded on the huge number of people considered to be ‘untouchable’.
The artistes and performances
Over 150 dancers and actors participated in Babasaheb The Grand Musical. The lead role of Dr Ambedkar was played by actor Rohit Bose Roy while theatre actor Teekam Joshi essayed the role of the narrator, a modern-day Ambedkarite freshly returned from Columbia University (which is also Ambedkar’s alma mater). Joshi plays the role of taking the audience almost on a time travel journey through Ambedkar’s life. At regular intervals, he addresses the audience and asks pointed questions whose purpose is to make us think. These he delivers with utmost expertise. Roy, on the other hand, does quite a good job of capturing the struggle of Babasaheb’s life. Reciting the Preamble to the Indian Constitution is his final act, which is perhaps also among Ambedkar’s most valuable contributions to India.
With two of them leading the charge and all the dancers providing great support to the narrative, all the artistes succeed in leaving quite a mark.

In the first half of the show, I did find the choreography to be a little bit repetitive. It was a lot of similar-looking jazz routines. I would have loved to see a bit more of other styles or variations in the beginning. But the use of props, formations, and lights more than make up for this slight slip. Moreover, the second half finishes strong, especially the anthem which is based on Maharashtrian lavani-style music.
The production and sets
I will be candid here. When I went in, I was NOT expecting the set to be so grand and, in general, so professional looking. I later discovered that Umang Kumar was the set designer. The 40-foot-wide rotating set in the middle of the stage was a vital part of the entire narrative. The physical structure along with lights and projections make for a comprehensive set.
Some elements of the production especially stay with you. The use of masked figures features prominently on stage. The larger-than-life-size bust of Dr Ambedkar at the end is a show-stealer for sure. Through the use of a variety of elements, the makers have managed to create quite a few goosebumps-inducing moments.
Why Babasaheb – The Grand Musical is important
Since childhood, music and dance have been big parts of my life. In my formative years, I have witnessed quite a few musicals (or ballets as they are called in the Delhi circle). Most of these were at Kamani Auditorium or Shri Ram Bhartiya Kala Kendra. I must confess that my family always scored passes because my awesome dadu was the one composing the music for these spectacular shows. Watching Shri Ram around Diwali and a few more musicals during the annual Ballet Festival were almost a yearly ritual for my family. As I grew older, I also started accompanying dadu to rehearsals sometimes. It seemed so amazing to me at the time, watching such beauty being created almost out of thin air!
A few years back, an alternative form of the musical came up at Kingdom of Dreams. But we all know that this was definitely not everyone’s cup of tea, primarily due to the exorbitant ticket prices. A few other musicals that happened over the past decade also posed the same problem. A regular person like me would think a million times before spending that kind of money on a musical.
Thus, when I got to know about Babasaheb the Musical being performed in Delhi, I just HAD to go. And I am so glad I did. I got to share this experience with thousands of others who have also witnessed this show. The informative yet entertaining show is a great way to spend a day with family or friends in Delhi.
Babasaheb – The Grand Musical is being performed from 25 February to 12 March 2022. You can book your free ticket from Book My Show today. As photography was not permitted during the show, I can only show you very limited glimpses here.